The North of Chilean Patagonia, tough and desert, is a region full of surprises. It is crossed from north to south by the Austral road and proposes beautiful sites such as the San Rafael Laguna and its glacier, the Pie XI glacier, the San Valentin Mount, the Caleta Tortel, the fjords of Patagonia and also Puerto Eden, which is accessible only by boat.

Ancient glacier in Chilean Patagonia

This region is very often neglected by visitors who “prefer” to the great South of Chilean Patagonia. However, I can only encourage you to venture there for a unique expedition.

Off the beaten track in the North of Chilean Patagonia

The North of Chilean Patagonia is difficult to access and will offer you journeys that are truly off the beaten track, you will experience a trip out of the routine. Tough, beautiful and traditional, this land made of mountains and glaciers, canals and fjords, of forets and sheep farms lies at the very end of the continent. Completely isolated, this region travels through Time and civilization.

It is “another” Patagonia that I really love, full of encounters. It is a narrow ribbon of land of 50 kilometers wide and 800 kilometers long, trapped between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. Because of the omnipresence of fjords, mountains and glaciers surrounding the region, terrestrial roads are almost impossible to drive. The few roads crossing this wild territory are going thought Argentina. With gigantic glaciers in the south and Puerto Montt in the North, it is an open invitation to wilderness “The Wild Patagonia”.

Even if this part of Patagonia suffers from isolation because of a cruel geography, it is however a jewel with a beauty that is unique on Earth. And although touristic guides do not spend time describing this magic area, it is a unique experience. You will also have the chance to meet the gigantic ice field of “Campo de Hielo Norte” (4,400 km²!).