There are places that sometimes attract my attention when History and its explorers have visited these distant places in the past. Puerto Deseado, is one of them, and is certainly not the destination that will come to any traveler’s mind. And yet…

Darwin's Footsteps on the Rio Deseado in Patagonia

I invite you to follow in the footsteps of Charles Darwin who noted in his logbook, on December 23, 1833, when seeing these landscapes: “I don’t think I have ever seen, a place more isolated from the rest of the world, than this crevasse of rocks in the middle of the immense plain”. He faced the Deseado River and went up a large part of it.

Charles Darwin’s Miradors in Patagonia

At high tide, over 42 km, this zodiac exploration is bound to be moving. You can observe many cormorants, including the “gray” cormorant (largest colony in Patagonia), numerous wolves and sea lions, dolphins, guanacos…

At the end of this road against the current, we arrive at the place which inspired Charles Darwin, as well as his official English painter Conrad Martens, who accompanied him during the expedition and who sketched some sketches, famous today. There is also the famous “Darwin Viewpoint”, where the view of the Désiré River Río Deseado is dizzying.

Walking at the bottom of this canyon, along the edge of the river, gave me an inexplicable feeling. As is often the case in Patagonia, when you leave the “classics” and take the side roads, you are all alone. And to be alone in the middle of such scenery, I wish it on everyone…

Follow Charles Darwin in Patagonia