Chile is a land of fire and ice. It is the country of every extreme. If you look at a map of Chile, you instantly understand that this land has a surprising and wild landscape...

On the roads of Chile

This country is 4 300 kilometers long, the same distance from Oslo in Norway to south Morocco. You can therefore imagine that the landscape is multi-colored.

Chile, country of contrasts

The Andes Mountains cross the entire country with its majestic beauty, and are therefore never far away. Just like the Pacific which rocks the entire territory along the coasts. Chile has the particularity of being a narrow country, only 80 kilometers in place and 400 kilometers wide between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

On top of this, this land also houses the highest Volcanoes and Mountains of planet. It goes from sea level to up to 4,500 m high. Such a contrast created incredible landscapes.

Thus, Chile presents practically all climatic zones and surprises, with its diversity, as a country of strong contrasts. The North for instance is a desert which looks like the surface of the moon.

Chiloe Island, the traditional center of the country, is one of the world wettest places. The Central valley, home of Santiago de Chile, is more like a Mediterranean country with the charming town of Valparaiso. Near there, the wine valley is the place to go to taste the finest wines of the so called, South America’s Lisboa.

The South of Chile is impressively green and planted in Patagonia. Then again, to the South, the eternal snow of glaciers is here to remind you of this contrast. Chilean Patagonia has a tough climate. This region is crossed by thousands of islands, fjords which create a complex labyrinth, and was a challenge for many explorers of all times. For you, in the South of Chilean Patagonia, , the three main kingdoms – Vegetable, Animal and Mineral – made an alliance to sublimate and grow apart from the humans.

A travel to Chile

Chile will open a box of dreams and wake up your explorer’s soul. You will want to follow the first pioneers to discover these lands: Punta Arenas, the Pass of Magellan, the Austral road, the Paine Mountain, Tierra del Fuego, the Atacama Desert, Valparaiso, are strong symbols for every traveler.

And finally Chile has also the biggest mystery on Earth: Easter Island (Rapa Nui), house of the Moai and their secrets and gently embraced by the tropical winds…

Chile is a country of huge forests and volcanoes, colorful lagoons, ice fields, silent plateaus, mountains of copper, waterfalls, fjords, ice and desert. A piece of long and narrow land “where the world ends”, like the Aymara natives think. It is the best destination for adventure and discovery for nature lovers.

There is a world of differences between the Aymaras who live with their Llamas and Alpacas in the Lauca Park, between Bolivia and Peru at more than 4,500 meters, and the last Patagons, living in Puerto Williams, the last town of Tierra del Fuego, 5,500 kilometers far from there. Chile is definitely the last shelter for wildlife and nature.

And finally, for travelers looking for a thrill, would you fancy a trip on the real Robinson Crusoé Island? (The hero of Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe (1719), who survived being shipwrecked on a desert island).

Places in Chile

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