Argentina is a country beyond measure. This country is driven by passion and lives at the beat of adrenaline. You will feel instantly at home here, and the country’s biggest asset is its great people.

Landscapes Argentina

Argentina spans many latitudes, from the subtropical to the subantarctic, making it the world’s favorite terrain for experiencing biodiversity all year round. Argentina is a country of great space, where nature is Queen. It is the second largest country in South America and the eighth largest in the world, a country that has the dimensions of a continent. All the climates of the world are represented there. When we specify that its population reaches around 40 million inhabitants distributed 90% in urban areas, we then become aware of the extent to which nature and fauna are omnipresent and appropriate the space. Moreover, to realize this, I invite you to explore the map of Argentina.

Argentina is another word for adrenaline!

Your first introduction will surely be Buenos Aires, which alone totals a third of the country’s population… The Argentine capital, very cultural with its theaters, cinemas, exhibitions and the ever-present Tango. There is incredible diversity in Argentina, illustrated by the mountain ranges of the Andes which are home to Aconcagua, the highest peak in the Americas ; by La Pampa, one of the most fertile lands on the globe; the widest river in the world: La Plata, vast, endless plains whipped by the winds; by the tropical forests of Misiones which border Brazil, and by the Tierra del Fuego, a southern expanse which leads to the end of the world.

The Argentine Northwest is a fascinating region that will captivate all travelers, even the most “jaded”… And travel to the Northeast, in Argentinian Mesopotamia, a journey through time, culminating at the Iguazu Falls, certainly the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

In the very south: Patagonia, land of superlatives, a dream common to each of us, just the word “Patagonia” triggers an unreasonable madness, which takes us far from our daily lives, into a imaginary and mysterious world specific to each of us. In Patagonia (region shared with Chile), there is less than one inhabitant per km², it is almost twice that of France with the equivalent of the population of Alsace. This end of the world is certainly home to some of the last virginities on our planet.

Argentina is also this immense piece of Europe, transferred to South America. A promised land, which has sometimes proven capricious, but where the myth of America has remained alive. If Tango is indissolubly linked to Buenos Aires, the Gaucho is always associated with La Pampa. Then come a thousand differences, a thousand discoveries, a thousand nuances, which make Argentina a unique land.

Argentina has a common “natural” border of nearly 4,000 kilometers with Chile: the Andes, the backbone of the South American continent. Nature is strong, harsh and hostile; it makes us humble and returns us to our little condition as human beings. Travel to these lands is to want to find yourself with yourself, faced with so many unanswered questions.

This world can be very real and I can help you know it…

Visit in 5 minutes

Discover Argentina in 5 minutes!

“Argentina with my Mate, my Poncho and my Charanguito…” Discover the four corners of the country, its breathtaking and contrasting landscapes. From north to south, as well as from the Atlantic to the Andes Mountains.

Places in Argentina

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Articles about Argentina

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Le condor des Andes, roi des cimes

Pendant des siècles, le condor des Andes a régné en maître incontesté sur les cieux d’Amérique du Sud. Ce rapace faisait même l’objet d’un culte : les tribus amérindiennes des montagnes accordaient souvent un statut divin à ce roi des cimes. Les Incas le vénéraient, et le vouaient admiration et grand respect. Dans le sud, en Patagonie, il a par …

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Quand partir en Argentine ou au Chili ?

Avant de réserver un séjour ou un circuit en Argentine et/ou au Chili, notamment en Patagonie, vous voudrez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté et savoir à l’avance quelle sera la météo pendant votre voyage, et c’est bien normal ! Quels sont les mois à privilégier ? – Quelle météo nous attend ? – À quelle période peut-on observer …

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La Cordillère des Andes avec son charango

Avant de changer de vie et de s’installer en Argentine, Boris était musicien. La musique a toujours été son vecteur directionnel et l’est encore aujourd’hui. De bassiste européen à joueur de charango, la vie est parfois très surprenante. Boris, pour beaucoup “le français qui joue du charango”, pour d’autres un musicien qui fusionne les sons, les expériences, les genres et …

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